Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Sold Out William Hung Concert

UPDATE; These idiots don't even know what they're protesting. From the (soon to be deleted) comments in Buckdog


SCN = Saskatchewan Communications Network (not Saskatchewan Cable Network)
Posted by TellMe
10:41 AM, May 19, 2010

Thanx .. fixed!
Posted by leftdog
12:39 PM, May 19, 2010

It just goes to show you how little SCN meant to the average Saskatchewan resident, including the former NDP caucus Chief of Staff, if they don't even know what the letters in SCN stand for.

But if they can pick up a sign and protest something about what Brad Wall did ...

NDP VP Kent E. Peterson claims there were "over 1000 people" converged to protest the Wall government policies. Now these protesters were comprised of the usual suspects; labour organizers and leaders, left-wing activists, certain traditional NDP First Nations supporters.

Let us be very clear here. There are a number of First Nations communities that strongly support the Wall government. Some are strong NDP supporters. Then there are those whose names end up on NDP voters lists and they have no idea how they got there.

As one might surmise there were a myriad of topics these people were protesting; Bill 80, SCN, changes to the environment.

Now take a look at this picture Jim Fodey aka leftdog posted on his blog (above). Pay particular attention to the fringes. Fodey claimed the crowd was "huge".

The problem is that official estimates of the crowd were between 450-500 people.  One would suspect it would be much less if some of the out of town protesters weren't getting paid mileage.

Obviously union driven campaigns and the Lingenfelter NDP leadership just arent resonating with the average Saskatchewan voter.

This isn't a crowd. This is a less than average attendance at a Raffi concert.

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