Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bad Blood

Spills over into the Star Phoenix

"My thinking? Shocked. I was shocked," he said to reporters. "I was shocked that a leader of the Opposition would use those kind of accusations in the house. That is just something, I think, was a crossing of the line." - Deputy Premier Ken Krawetz

It doesn't shock us at all...


oxygentax said...

I actually was shocked when I heard it - in fact, I went back and listened again just to make sure I heard right.

It is stuff like this, especially now that legislative sessions are televised, that makes changes to legislative (or parliamentary) privilege a necessity. Slander should still be slander, regardless of where you are. I noted that even though the newspaper repeated the comment, they failed to acknowledge that the Speaker admonished Mr. Lingenfelter and forced an apology out of him.

All in all, it still leads back to the "ungovernable" comments and their effect on the conduct of the house.

Trent said...

Okay, people are probably sick of me bring up Saskatchewan history, but I just can't help myself.
The only MLA ever to be successfully sued for slander was former CCF Premier and Socialist Demi-god, Tommy Douglas. Walter Tucker sued him over lies Tommy told about him during the 1948 election.
Why do the Socialists still resort to slander? Because it works for them.

Paulie said...

I don't know whats more disgraceful, the comment itself or people like Deb Higgins defending it and trying to blame the government. Somewhere in dipper-land there has to be a group of thier supporters shaking thier heads and wondering "what the hell were we thinking bringing this boorish womanizing narcassist back from the grave". At this rate they will be lucky to hold 10 of the 20 seats they have in 2011.