Friday, June 18, 2010

The Kiss of Death

NDP VP Kent E. Peterson, author of two blogs recently supported Heather McIntyre for her bid to become the NDP candidate in Regina South. As a matter of fact, he introduced her at the nomination meeting.

Bad move, Heather...

Despite Peterson's ringing endorsement, Yens Pederson won the nomination.

"Last year, Pedersen campaigned to become NDP leader and placed third in the four-person race."

BTW, we wonder what Andrew Thompson thinks about Peterson's bad jokes?

1 comment:

Trent said...

Why would Andrew Thompson be anymore upset then the rest of us at Peterson's homophobic comments?

I guess on the one hand Andrew Thompson should be outraged that such a vial homophobe like Peterson is the Vice President of the NDP, but when you consider that the NDP worship Tommy Douglas and he wanted to put homosexuals in mental institutions, it could be that all NDP members harbor the same homophobia that afflicts Peterson.

Considering that lack of outrage from the NDP at Peterson's "bad jokes" one could easily assume that all NDP members really do feel the same way about homosexuals as Tommy Douglas did and Kent Peterson does.

So why would Andrew Thompson, of all people, feel any differently?