Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Passion of the Hubich

One thing about SFL President Larry Hubich is you always know where he stands, even when he is wrong.

Take for instance this post about Newstalk 980's John Gormley. Yes, we tend to agree with Gormley as much as Hubich tends to disagree. But Hubich's latest post about Gormley, as well as being factually incorrect, borders on hysterical.

Take a look at this statement from Hubich;

Even the caption is misleading and dishonest. "We can expect unions to break the law"? What evidence does Mr. Gormley or his station have to support such a conclusion or such a broad and sweeping statement? Unions don't break laws. Mark my words, if unions did routinely break laws as implied by Mr. Gormley the jails would be full of union leaders. The courts would be bogged down with case after case of unions violating the law.

Really? then what about this latest SEIU orchestrated law break? Truth be known, union leadership should have been thrown in jail, or at least fined for trespassing on private property. The problem with union thuggery is that you can't throw 500 people in jail or give them citations. Unions know this. Police don't even infringe for fear of escalating the situation (and possibly because they are unionized themselves).

But the union DID break the law.

Of course if Hubich had balls, he would appear on Gormley's show and defend the labour position, just as Barb Byers does for the CLC. Byers, by the way, was Hubich's predecessor.

But instead of appearing on the most listened to talk show in the province, Hubich creates a union boycott of the show. Where are the courage of his convictions? If he's right and Gormley is wrong, let's hear it!

But this last comment completely slayed us;

"Mr. Gormley, and the station he works for are engaged in a campaign of inciting hatred against unions, hatred against union members, and of fostering intolerance.

Perhaps the RCMP should be investigating them."

Yes, Larry. The RCMP should investigate everyone who disagrees with the union/NDP line and speaks out about it. How horrifying! Free speech? In Canada? How dare he!

The truth is Hubich is losing control of the province and he knows it. The NDP are being led by a person almost universally despised and will not win the next election, the population and the economy are growing and people are breaking free of their previous NDP chains. Not to mention the passing of Bills 5,6 and 80 under Hubich's union leadership role.

BTW, watch for the union's last ditch effort in 2011, a widespread strike across the board trying to force voters to bring the NDP back. And that effort will backfire.

As for Larry Hubich, maybe he should consider changing his attitude. Just like most Saskatchewan people have changed theirs.


Trent said...

Here is my comment on Larry's blog. Let's see if he posts it. I think he will because even though Larry is a hardcore leftist, he is one of the few leftists that doesn't use censorship to skew an argument in his favor.

A few more details for you, Larry. Have you ever typed 'union leader convicted' into google? Wow, does that produce results. I guess you're right, the jails ARE full of union leaders.

Paulie said...

Thats a classic...Larry wants the RCMP to investigate Gormley for committing a hate crime? What a moron. This is also a guy who bitches and moans that the government won't talk to him or consult with him...why should they? Everytime Hubich posts to his blog its to try and discredit the premier, and take pot shots at the government. If anyone has created a negative environment between labour and government,it's our old pal Larry. This guy doesn't have the grapes to call for a general strike! I tried to ask him once where he stood on Bob Bymoen crossing a picket line to get to work after the SGEU locked out the office can guess the response..cue the chirping crickets..Hypocrite!

Trent said...

I think Larry crossed the line when he suggested that Gormley and Rawlco should be investigated.

However, by making such an outrageous statement he has shown us just how similar the NDP are to the likes of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro; if someone dares to disagree with the socialist view point send the police after them.