Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Made Question Period Today!

Not bad for being online for a week.

"Mr. Speaker. This morning we learned that the Sask Party has a habit of misusing taxpayer dollars with one Blaise Boehmer, a Sask Party office staffer whose salary is paid by the taxpayers, who is also operating the NDP Watch blog." NDP Regina Dewdney - Kevin Yates

Let us respond with a one word answer to this assertion.


For those fans of this blog, and evidently the number is growing, we will continue to follow our mandate and continue to expose the hypocrisy, mistruths, propaganda and deceit of the Saskatchewan NDP and their leader, Dwain Lingenfelter.

And until it becomes illegal to speak our minds, and to run blogs in this province, we will continue to do so for a very long time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is that nope you aren't misusing taxpayer dollars or nope that you are Blaise?