Tuesday, October 19, 2010

He's Baaaaaack...

And we're going with him.

Over the past few months, we have had difficultly keeping current with our blog posts.

A few weeks ago, we were contacted by the person who basically inspired this site, the infamous NDP Boogeyman. We decided that since we were doing the same thing, we would work together to expose the NDP in Saskatchewan. And we decided to do it at his blog.

So look for us as authors of our own posts. The NDP Boogeyman has offered us complete control editorial over our posts and we will continue to receive email at ndpwatch@gmail.com

It's been fun. Thanks for following us. But we think this is really going to take the fun up a notch.

Check us out at http://www.ndpboogeyman.blogspot.com/

Friday, October 8, 2010

Worst Birthday Present Ever!

John Gormley's first book, Left Out - Saskatchewan's NDP and the Relentless Pursuit of Mediocrity is going to be available to the public on October 20th, 2010. However, the book will be available for the general public on October 12th if you order now on the web site. Go there now... http://www.leftout.ca/

We've had the opportunity to review the book, and all we can say is there are going to be some very angry NDP supporters and leaders. The book is very entertaining, but it will also anger you. Gormley picks apart the tactics and the cover-ups if the NDP machine since their inception in the 1940's as the CCF.

Gormley is the perfect nightmare for the NDP apparatchik. He's a former politician, a lawyer and a talk-show host. And he understands politics, especially the way the NDP do it.

We suggest you get the book as soon as possible before they are sold out. It is a must for politicos as well as people that want to have a more in-depth knowledge of the natural governing party of Saskatchewan.

As for the worst birthday present ever? The book is officially launched on... you guessed it, Tommy Douglas' birthday.

We're sure that's just a coincidence....

Happy Birthday, Tommy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Buckdog - The NDP's Voice of Confusion

Does he even read his own blog? We have trouble reading it too... 

Monday September 20th  - Saskatchewan's 'Unfettered Free Market' Premier Now Wants To 'Fetter' The Free Market!!

Monday October 04th - Brad Wall's 'Unfettered Free Market' Nonsense Could Cost Saskatchewan Billions - Says Board Of Canada

Well Buckdog, what do you want to scold Premier Wall for? Being a capitalist or not being a capitalist?