Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Union Hypocrisy

Health care union in Saskatchewan are crying foul on a letter sent to union members from SAHO.

A letter sent by the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) to health-care union members who have been without a contract for more than two years is being called "bullying" and "intimidating" by one union.

What incredible hypocrisy. First of all, a letter being "intimidating"? Please... If any union member finds a letter from an employer the least bit threatening, there are legal courses of action they can initiate.

Secondly, during a recent union drive in Saskatchewan by COPE, union organizers not only sent letters to company employees but also called them at home and in some cases actually came to their homes. Thankfully, the union drive was unsuccessful. But to have a union organizer stand on your doorstep in essence telling the employee "we know where you live", that is intimidation.

And this is not just COPE. This is modus operandi for all unions. (See point "u")


But employees such as Celine Hounjet, a medical laboratory technologist at Royal University Hospital, say they already voted on a similar -- arguably better -- agreement and rejected it by giving their unions strike mandates.

She said "angry doesn't start to describe" how she felt when she received the letter from SAHO.

"It's fine if they want to do this in public, it's a public war in the media or whatever, but once you start sending it to my home, you've crossed the line," she said.

We wish the journalists in this province would do their homework. Not just an average employee (Union ORC!)

Facts are union killers. The only way a union survives in a thriving economy is by keeping its members in the dark.

It doesn't surprise us that union leadership is angered by SAHO. How dare they give their employees truthful information about their own offer!

Union members need to rise up against their leadership!


oxygentax said...

The more I hear about it, the more certain I am that the union is afraid to take the offer to the membership for fear of what might happen.

I noted the comments about the previous, "better" offer was rejected with a strike vote. My question is, what are they waiting for then? Why don't they go on strike?

The longer they wait, the more sure I am that Gormley is right - there will be a general strike in June of 2011, and it's going to backfire on the unions and the NDP.

Trent said...

A quote for you from 'Tommy Douglas: The Road to Jerusalem' :

" Once in power, however, Douglas learned that labour's claims often clash with, rather than complement, those of the consumers, taxpayers, and the poor. Leadership place him in the delicate position of having to defend working people while discouraging organized labour's tendencie's to form a new elite."

Old Tommy was a union buster who often referred to union leaders as "the new aristocrats".

That damn truth, gets in the way of socialist dreams every time!